A Brief History of Young Ladies High School
Welcome to Young Ladies High School
The Young Ladies High School owes its inception in 1889 to the zeal and foresight of its founder the late Dadabhoy Pestonji Master, a prominent educationist of the eighteen eighties, whose services to the cause of female education were well known in the literary circles of Bombay. Dadabhoy felt that the progress of the community lay through the enlightenment of its womanhood and he founded the Young Ladies High School more than a century ago, inspired by the prejudices then prevailing against female education. He remained at the helm of affairs for over 20 years, placing it on a firm footing as a veritable asset to girls of all communities.
Since April 2011, the academic side of the school is in the capable hands of the Principal Mrs. T. Graceline, Principal B.Sc. MA (Edu), B.Ed. Today, the Young Ladies High School is a bastion dedicated to the all-round development of the female students in the city of Mumbai.