Assembly on Kindness Virtually conducted by the Students of Standard IX
School assemblies are rituals that celebrates an excellent resource for students to learn more about the School, develop their values and provide an exciting venue for them to grow and develop into a valuable member of society they carry messages of allegiances and belonging that are disseminated both verbally and nonverbally .Our dynamic Principal Mrs. T. Graceline initiated an opportunity to instill the value of kindness virtually by the students of Standard IX.
With immense planning the students actively participated by sending invitations to the Principal, Headmistress, Supervisors, Teachers and their colleagues.
A short enlightening programme was held with a Prayer, Poem, Song, Stories, experiences to teach the act of kindness which never goes waste and will always be remembered. Without kindness the world would become a lonely place with people being selfish and careless.
All viewers learnt that kindness is being friendly generous and considerate to others and yourself. Being Kind often requires courage and strength as it involves the willingness to celebrate and give attention to someone else.
The Programme concluded with a vote of thank and National Anthem.