Parent’s Notice
Dear Parents,
As per the direction of the EDU. DEPT. and the consent of the trustees there is a change in the duration of the lectures to be conducted from Monday the 27th of July 2020. The timetable remains the same.
- 1st lecture 9.00 am to 9.40 am
- 2nd lecture 10.00 am to 10.40 am
- 3rd lecture 11.00 am to 11.40 am
- 4th lecture 12.00 pm to 12.40 pm
Everyday 40 min of activity based learning will be sent by each of the subject teachers. Encourage your child to be on time and acquire knowledge from our well dedicated staff.
Warm regards,
–Mrs T. Graceline Principal (PRINCIPAL)
Online Education
With the beginning of lockdown from 22nd March’ 20, most of the world was shut inside the 4 walls of the house. The students were the ones who were affected the most and the Education System came to a standstill. In the month of April’ 20, all the staff underwent intensive training for the ‘Zoom App’. This App. was a great friend for us in disguise.
Initially, everything seemed to be very vague, but as the days went by this was the best App. We could use it to communicate with the student fraternity. We were very happy to see our students virtually. The next step was how to conduct the exams online. Again we were trained in Microsoft Forms. Today the staff is undoubtedly more than good in dealing with Google Classrooms, Google Sheets, Google Forms and more.
Many difficulties came our way but we overcame them all that and we are doing a wonderful job online.