• Every student must possess a copy of the School Calendar which must be brought to school daily and followed carefully. No student is allowed to tear any page from the calendar. A duplicate calendar will be issued on payment of Rs. 100.
  • Every student shall have an identity card which she shall carefully carry with her always as testimony of Bonafide. This identity card shall be issued by the school office.
  • Every student shall be punctual, attend school in proper uniform, bring the necessary Textbooks and Exercise books to school and abide by the school rules. Suitable action may be initiated against late-comers.
  • Students must wear clean clothes and should not be unkempt or untidy.
  • The school authorities do not stand responsible for the loss of books, money, instruments and other articles. Students must look after their own things. They are advised not to bring valuable articles or money to school.
  • Irregular attendance, indiscipline, obscenity in words or acts, insubordination to teacher and any kind of cheating or serious misconduct even outside the school premises or any objectionable habit or behavior is not permitted.
  • Any damage done to school property or around the premises will have to be made good of. The decision of the Principal regarding the amount will be final.
  • Students are not allowed to enter classrooms other than their own.
  • To help students use the English Language (which is the medium of instruction) correctly and with ease, students are expected to speak English even in their private conversations in the school premises.
  • Students are expected to take part in all extracurricular activities of the School (Concerts, Projects, Debates, Excursions, Patrol System, House System, Etc.) as part of their civil training and no one will be excused. GUIDE CAMPS ARE A PART OF THE CURRICULUM, IT IS COMPULSORY FOR ALL THE STUDENTS TO ATTEND
  • Students are forbidden to give individual or collective presents to teachers or to the Principal.
  • A student should only distribute sweets to her classmates and teachers on the occasion of her birthday. (Only 1 sweet per child.) Pencils, Chocolate bars and other gifts are not to be distributed.
  • Every student ought to devote adequate time to self-study according to the standard she is in.
  • No student shall join any type of coaching classes/center.
  • Masters and Teachers are not allowed to give tuitions to their own class pupil. Further, they are allowed to give tuitions only after obtaining written permission from the Principal, as a record of tuition given by Masters and Teachers is maintained by the School.
  • The school does not guarantee the success of a student’s studies unless her parents and guardians co-operate with the School authority and do their part by enforcing regularity and discipline at home. They must see that their children do their home-work and prepare their lessons daily. The school specially insists on punctuality and regularity in attending class.
  • Any communication (request or complaint) made by the parents or guardians should be addressed to the Principal in written and not to the Class Teacher or Subject Teacher and all correspondence from the school to the parents or guardians go through the Principal.
  • When communicating with the Principal, Parents and Guardians are requested to mention the student’s full name, the standard and division and roll no.  in which the child is studying.
  • No one is allowed to send a student home without the permission of the Principal. Once a student attends the school, she is not allowed to leave the school premises without the Principal’s permission. 
  • Parents should periodically scrutinize the pages of the child’s Calendar and see whether any matter requires attention.
  • The members of the staff can be seen during their free time by previous appointment.  The appointment can be taken by the student herself. The teacher’s free periods may be entered in the Calendar.
  • Parents who send their children by private vehicles do so at their own risk. The school will not be responsible for any mishaps or delays.
  • Rs. 10 will be charged for a copy from any School record and for a Bonafide Certificate.
  • Notice of withdrawal must be given by filling in the form of application for a Leaving Certificate before the end of the month, else the fees for the following month will be charged. Such notice must be given by the person responsible for the student and not by the student herself.
  • The Leaving Certificate will be issued only after a week from the date of application.
  • No student should remain absent without obtaining leave previously. A student absent from school, must on returning, bring to the Class Teacher a written note from either the Parent or the Guardian on the Absence record stating the reason for the absence.
  • A student returning to School after a contagious and infectious disease must on return produce a Doctor’s Certificate. On failing to produce such a certificate, the student will be sent home.
  • In case a student is absent for 3 or more days continuously, the Principal must be informed immediately in writing.
  • If the absence of the pupil continues beyond 7 days, the Principal must be informed personally by the Parents or Guardians of the student. If the absence is due to illness a Doctor’s Certificate must be produced by the student on returning to School. Names of those students who are absent without notice or who for unexplained reasons remain absent from the School for more than 15 days, will be struck of the School Register.
  • Leave must be obtained from the Principal, by written application from the parents and guardians and that too, only for weighty reasons. Leave is not granted for purposes like attending marriages, feasts and other social gatherings, during working days.
  • The Principal may refuse leave in some cases. So, all leave applications for special reasons must be taken to the Principal personally, by the Parents or Guardians.
  • Students are responsible to the School authorities for their conduct both in and outside the school.
  • No student who was absent from school or is late for the morning or the afternoon session, will be admitted to class without the Principal’s permission. 
  • During the absence of the teacher, the leader will be responsible for the order and the discipline of her class.
  • All should be particularly careful not to throw any paper, waste etc. anywhere in the School premises. They should use the baskets and bins, especially provided for this purpose.
  • No books (other than text or library books), newspaper or periodicals are allowed to be brought into the School Premises. 
  • No student is allowed to bring any electronic device to School.
  • For breach of the school rules, suitable action may be initiated at the discretion of the Principal.
  • Destroying school furniture or property is an offence. Students may be fined for the same. No student is allowed to occupy the chairs meant for the teachers or the masters.
  • No girl is allowed to use the black board except with the teacher’s permission.
  • Running, playing, shouting inside the School building is not allowed.
  • When the students move along the corridors when changing classes, they must walk in silence in a single line.
  • There is one Terminal and Final examination in the year. The Terminal and Final examinations are held in October and April respectively.
  • Promotion to the next standard will be based upon the combined results of Formative and Summative Evaluations. Neglect in studies shown in these examinations will affect the final result.
  • If a student is caught using unfair means in an Examination, she will be given no marks in that examination and will not be allowed to sit for the remaining subjects under any circumstances. 
  • Due to unforeseen circumstances if any answer script of the Semester Examinations or any Unit Test is lost or mislaid, then the student may be given a re-examination in that subject to evaluate her performance. This decision is taken by the Principal.
  • Promotion to Standard Ten is decided as per the norms of the S.S.C. Board.
  • It is the duty of the Parents/Guardians to pay the fees on time.
  • Parents and Guardians must see that the fees are paid in advance. Those who cannot pay must see the Principal personally in order to settle the probable date of payment.
  • Reasons for delay in payment of fees should be communicated to the Principal by the Parent/Guardian in writing.
  • No School Leaving Certificate will be issued unless all the dues are cleared.
  • Bus fees must be paid for all the 12 months, immaterial of the duration for which the bus facility is availed for. Fees can be paid in two installments.
  • A student can avail the bus facility for only pick-up or only drop (one way). However, bus fees need to be paid in full. No concession will be granted in bus fees for one way travel.
  • The driver/attendant is in full charge of the bus and students. The students must obey the driver/attendant promptly and willingly.
  • A student availing of the school bus facility can only travel by bus regularly assigned to her unless permission has been granted by the Principal to use another bus.
  • A student cannot get off at a place other than her regular stop without written permission from the principal.
  • While traveling in the bus, for safety reasons, a pupil must:
    1. Occupy the seat properly.
    2. Not throw any object in/out of the bus.
    3. Be courteous to fellow passengers.
    4. Use appropriate language.
    5. Keep the bus clean.
    6. Speak in a quite tone of voice. In case a student is found misbehaving she will be denied permission to continue using the bus service
    7. No student shall at any time extend her head, hands or arms out of the window while on the bus.